Defined in header <cstdlib>
[[noreturn]] void quick_exit( int exit_code ) noexcept; |
(since C++11) | |
Causes normal program termination to occur without completely cleaning the resources.
Functions passed to std::at_quick_exit are called in reverse order of their registration. If an exception tries to propagate out of any of the functions, std::terminate is called. After calling the registered functions, calls std::_Exit(exit_code)
Functions passed to std::atexit are not called.
exit_code | - | exit status of the program |
Return value
This section is incomplete Reason: no example |
See also
causes abnormal program termination (without cleaning up) (function) | |
causes normal program termination with cleaning up (function) | |
registers a function to be called on std::exit() invocation (function) | |
(C++11) |
registers a function to be called on quick_exit invocation (function) |